Refining the GAN model

25 Jan 2018

Model 1 - 1,000 images [] DCGAN Dense, upsampling x 2, conv2d, output conv2d sigmoid 4 discri

Model 1 - 80,000 images [] DCGAN Dense, upsampling x 2, conv2d, output conv2d sigmoid 4 discri

Model 2 - 80,000 images [] DCGAN Dense, upsampling x 4, 2 maxpooling, conv2d, output conv2d sigmoid 4 discri

Maxpool 2x2 and stride 2 reduces the image exactly into half. goes in a pair with an upsampling!

Model 3 - 80,000 images [] DCGAN Dense, upsampling x 4, 2 maxpooling, conv2d, output conv2d sigmoid 6 discri

Adv loss goes to 0 very quickly

Model 4 - 80,000 images [] DCGAN Dense, upsampling x 2, conv2d, output conv2d tanh 4 discri